Sunday, January 8, 2017

Things that Normal People Would Love at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show

Hi All-

So it is that time of year again, where the masses converge in the great city of Las Vegas, NV to completely nerd out about the newest developments in gadgetry.

When my mom was alive, we would forgo the masses (leaving that to the men) and prefer to shop instead. Since that route has seemingly lost a little bit of it's luster to me, I thought I would make my great return to the convention floor (after all I did meet Derek Jeter there- See below) and see what I could find that would be scintillating to the minds of Average Joe's like us, rather than the tech elite. Here is what I found:

I found this fabulous picture of Jeter and I... but moving on...


The Frame

The Motorcycle

The Finished Product


So here is the deal folks... this is the thing that literally blew my mind. 3D printed car and motorcycle....and not only does it exist... it looks bad ass! Now Divergent, the company responsible for such marvels has a litany of reasons why 3D printed vehicles are the future. They are cheaper, they are more environmentally friendly, yada, yada. However the question that jumps out at me is how safe are they? This was not a question that could be answered at the booth, so for now, this will just remain a jaw dropping example of how far 3D printing has come from the fork.


So not only did I see this product and bring it to your attention, I also found where you can buy it and for how much. Did you ever wish that you had your own wine bar at your house? Well here is your chance! This Vinaera wine pourer aerates and measures... and best yet, it is completely electronic...all you have to do is press a button. Mind blown.


Yep folks... there you have it. A man, walking his robot. I did not get close enough to get the details on this phenomenon, because obviously this guy was swarmed everywhere he went... but I have to tell you... this robot was adorable. Like get puppy/kitty cute. Makes me want to get one and walk it around the convention myself. 

Obviously this is not something we can all have, but for my list, I think it is something that we all deserved to see. 


So you know if there is a puppy (all dogs are puppies, FYI) at a booth I am there. That is what brought me to the Pet Cube booth. Pet Cube is a camera system for you to keep an eye on your bet when you are away from them, but what is even more, it keeps them entertained. There is a treat dispensing one that allows you to toss a treat to your pet from your phone at work! What?? Archer would love this. And for the cat lover, there is a version that has a little laser pointer that moves around, keeping your pet entertained for hours! As a pet lover, these are the gadgets I live for. I know there is more of me out there. Admit it, you love it too.


So this year CES celebrated its 50th Anniversary. Can you imagine what you would have seen unfold before your eyes if you had been to 50 CES'. There was exactly one many in attendance who has been to each one, which is absolutely amazing. 

To celebrate, the show added colored ribbons to your badge to illustrate just how long you have been attending these shows, and thus just how old you are. I was "borrowing" my dad's badge, which made me a 20+ year attendee. That's insane. Of course people kept commenting on how well  I have been aging if I have been coming to CES for 20+ years, but on a real note... good for you Dad!

Also, George warrants his own shout out, for being a 10+ year attendee.


Let's face it people. CES is exhausting. There are hundreds of thousands of people, milling about buildings upon buildings of goodies. By the close of the show, only having attended one day, we are exhausted. For you people who go multiple days I say to you, it is a marathon, not a race. Save your strength. In order to process all the potentially life changing technologies you are about to see, you are going to need it.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year, New Adventures

People. It has been a hot minute. Like legit.

I stumbled over this old gem and felt inspired to recalibrate.

I was struck by the realization that although I do a lot of things and go a lot of places, there tends to be a pattern... a certain repetitiveness... It is time to make a change.

Now is the time for resolution, yes? So here is one for you...2017, the year of new. Let's do it people.... everyone (I'm looking at you) let's get out of our comfort zones and get in to adventure. Who is with me?? More to come...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So even though Halloween is not for months... I have been thinking lately about costume ideas and plans....

First of all, since last year I got George to dress up like Fred Flinstone and we did nothing, someone is having a party this year, even if that person has to be me.

Second, I was originally planning to be a warbler for Halloween, but I have convinced George to do the couple thing once again. Although this couple is no longer together... George and I want to go as Don and Betty Draper. So for me I'm thinking that I can go raid the Banana Republic Mad Men line and get a dress that I love (although it will be pricey).... but for George I need to know where to get a reasonably priced skinny tie, and Fidora :-)

Any suggestions?? PS are we corn mazing it up again?? I kind of like it :-)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Sorry it's been so long people but it has been a crazy couple of weeks.

So this post is about time. How we are all letting time get the better of us. As we surge through this thing that we call life, we forget that we would not have a life, but for all the small elements that make up that life. Now I realize that that sentence was a bit crazy, but try to stay with me.

In science, you have protons, neutrons, and electrons which make up an atom. An atom makes a molecule. Molecules form together to make everything that we see before us. Life is kind of like this. We have friends, work, personal time, hobbies, etc. All of those things can be likened to atoms. Now we need all of these things to make us the people that we are. Now here is the catch, all of those things need the right amount of time dedicated to them to continue to exist. Therefore, for example if you spend too much time at work, you will not have enough time for friends. Therefore you will be missing a piece essential to the making of you. Thats not right people.

Everything in life is a choice. Every choice you make you are choosing one thing at the expense of another thing. I'm just asking people to start thinking about their choices. If you have a job that requires way too much of your time, and still you are not making ends meat, maybe it is time to think about looking for another job. If you are spending too much time watching TV and lounging around the house, maybe it is time for you to think about getting a hobby.

Just remember people... life is way to damn short, and we need to live every moment to the fullest. I see too many people these days who seem to forget that they have lives outside of their day to day routine. It's sad. I understand times change, people change, but if we all put in the smallest amount of effort, we don't have to loose the things that mean the most to us. So what do you say? its never too late to make a change!

Wow, so that was probably the least cohesive blog that I have ever written... but that is what happens when you don't write for two weeks, with all the thoughts just spilling out through my fingers. Sorry people, more frequent, more poignant blogs in the future :-)  

Monday, July 25, 2011

Back to School?

So this week is my last week in the District Attorney's office... and let me tell you, that has been an experience. The people that I have met and the crazy experiences I have had have been priceless. But with the end of that ushers in a different time of the year.... back to school.

You know it is back to school time when every time that you go to Target your sandwiched in between Mom's with sad looking children whose carts are filled with binders, paper, pens, pencils, and the new lunch boxes that we all waited so eagerly for as children.

Then you stop and think.... wait a second... its only July! No one is going back to school right now, what the hell. These children should be outside enjoying their last remnants of summer, not in a poorly lit discount department store contemplating whether it is better to go mechanical or number 2 pencils. I'm sorry people, I just think this is a sign of us all moving a little too fast! Slow down people, enjoy life, you only get one.

As a student my self, I will not be buying school supplies for perhaps 2 more weeks... leaving me a comfortable 2 weeks before school starts. That seems reasonable. What does not see reasonable is when I go to buy my school supplies in mid-August, the hottest month of the year... I am going to be accosted by Christmas decorations adorning my stores.

The moral of the story is, while its perfectly acceptable to lead a fast paced life (I certainly do), lets not rush into the next big event. Take everyday for what it is, because you never know when it will be your last!

Now I am off to lunch with my ladies....Taking it one day at a time....Happy Monday!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Change...

So I was debating what I wanted to blog about this week because there were SOOOOOOO many interesting things... some of my possible topics included:

1. Adult's who act like Children
2. Why would you think that would be a good idea?
3. You are doing that thing even as you tell me you are not doing it.
4. We weren't even that good of friends anyway.
5. Adios Harry Potter
6. Really? You are going to cry?
7. And last but not least, my personal favorite... Why the turkey burger at Carl's Jr. is perhaps the best  fast food that has ever existed.

While all of these topics are fabulous, and would lead to fantastic discussion in  future... I believe that change is the appropriate topic for the week.

I need a change in my life. Although things have been going fine... they are just not exciting anymore, and I can't stand the boredom. Life is for the living, and although my days have been spotted with some good times... I just don't feel like I am living life to the fullest.... therefore change is in the works people, and as soon as I know what that change is I will let you know! All I know is today marks the beginning of my new goal of seizing every opportunity and living life to the fullest. Happy Saturday People!

Friday, July 8, 2011


I am a damn good friend. Yes, that sounds concieted, but truer words were never uttered. I am loyal to a fault, always there to help in a bind, and do everything I can to make life fun for the rest of us. Lately however, it seems like "friend" has lost its reciprocal meaning. To be a friend means to be there for someone, unconditionally. To go the extra mile to support them in whatever their paths may be. To make the EFFORT! This is the crucial point... I no longer feel like friends make the effort to be friends. They don't prioritize their friendships in any capacity. Now I may not have children, I may not be married, but I am an adult as well and realize that things change with time. People change. Friendships change. But this is no excuse for letting friendships that are so deep rooted that we once considered each other family fall by the way side.

So here is the deal. I am done with bitching about this and now am accepting this as fact. A sad fact, but a fact none the less. Friendships are maily self-sufficient, just every now and then requiring a little nurturing. So put in the effort people, because when the last person stops... there will be nothing left, and what a sad day that will be.

PS... this is not a reflection on any person in particular. I am fortunate enough to have some great friends. But the ones that are always there unconditionally... I can count them on one hand.