Monday, July 25, 2011

Back to School?

So this week is my last week in the District Attorney's office... and let me tell you, that has been an experience. The people that I have met and the crazy experiences I have had have been priceless. But with the end of that ushers in a different time of the year.... back to school.

You know it is back to school time when every time that you go to Target your sandwiched in between Mom's with sad looking children whose carts are filled with binders, paper, pens, pencils, and the new lunch boxes that we all waited so eagerly for as children.

Then you stop and think.... wait a second... its only July! No one is going back to school right now, what the hell. These children should be outside enjoying their last remnants of summer, not in a poorly lit discount department store contemplating whether it is better to go mechanical or number 2 pencils. I'm sorry people, I just think this is a sign of us all moving a little too fast! Slow down people, enjoy life, you only get one.

As a student my self, I will not be buying school supplies for perhaps 2 more weeks... leaving me a comfortable 2 weeks before school starts. That seems reasonable. What does not see reasonable is when I go to buy my school supplies in mid-August, the hottest month of the year... I am going to be accosted by Christmas decorations adorning my stores.

The moral of the story is, while its perfectly acceptable to lead a fast paced life (I certainly do), lets not rush into the next big event. Take everyday for what it is, because you never know when it will be your last!

Now I am off to lunch with my ladies....Taking it one day at a time....Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree!! I do enjoy the deals that went on with pens tho, u know I go through tons!!! BTW- I still have ur bag o pens lol
